

Books & Literature Blogs - Blog Rankings

Tuesday, 11 December 2012


       The bath short story award is a new international short story competition sponsored by Cornerstones Literary Consultancy. The bath short story award 2013 competition is open for entries until 30 March, 2013.


  1. Stories can be on any theme or subject but must be original and written in English. They must also be for adult or young adult readers. Non-fiction and fiction written for children under 13 years is not eligible. Entrants must be 18 years or over.
  2.  Maximum length is 2,200 words. Entries should be typed, double or 1.5 spaced, in a plain legible font. Each page should be numbered and carry the title of the story but no personal details about the author. Postal entries should be on A4, single-sided and paper-clipped together. Online entries must be submitted as an email attachment in PDF format only.
  3. Closing date for receipt of entries is Saturday, March 30th, 2013 at Midnight BST.
  4. Entries can be made online or by post and are open to everyone (locally/nationally or internationally). There is no limit to the number of entries but there is a fee of £5 for each story submitted. You may pay via PayPal (there is a PayPal button on the online entry page) bank transfer or cheque. Go to the online entry page for more details of the  payment options. Postal entries should be addressed to Bath Short Story Award and sent or hand delivered  to 12 Great Pulteney Street, Bath, BA2 4BR.
  5. Entries must not have been previously published in print or online, been broadcast or won a prize.
  6. Entries will be read and judged anonymously so do not put your name on the pages of your story. Contact details (name, address, tel. no, e-mail address); the title of your story and the wordcount should appear on the entry form or on a separate sheet of paper.
  7. Entries will not be returned so please keep a copy. No corrections or alterations can be made after entries have been received. If you require acknowledgement of receipt of your postal entry, please enclose a stamped addressed postcard marked ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
  8. Prizes for 2013 are, as follows: 1st £500; 2nd £100; 3rd £50, with an additional local prize of £50 for the best entry from any BA, BS, GL or SN postcode unplaced in the main competition.
  9. The results of the competition will be announced on the Bath Short Story Award (BSSA) website. A longlist will appear mid-April 2013, followed by a shortlist, judged by Cornerstones Literary Consultancy, in early May 2013. Those shortlisted will be invited to an optional award ceremony to be held in Bath in June 2013, where the prizewinners will be announced. Following the announcement, the results will be published on the website.
  10. No single story may win more than one prize. By entering, competitors accept that prizewinning stories, with the authors’ names, may be published on the BSSA website or in local media and/or be read out on local radio stations for up to a year from the closing date without extra remuneration. Competitors also accept that Cornerstones Literary Consultancy will be in receipt of entrants’ names and addresses and may contact them. Copyright remains with the author.
  11. By entering, an acceptance of all the BSSA rules is implied. Entries that fail to comply with rules and requirements will be disqualified. No correspondence can be entered into and the judges’ decisions are final.


Payment Options
1. Via PayPal using the ‘add to cart’ button below (if you do not have a PayPal account don’t worry, you will be invited to set one up)
2. Bank Transfer (BACS) to Bath Short Story Award’s Lloyds TSB bank account. Sort code: 30-90-54 Account Number 50587960
3. Cheque payable to Bath Short Story Award. Send to Bath Short Story Award, 12 Great Pulteney Street, Bath BA2 4BR
How To Submit
After paying your entry fee of £5 per story,   please send an email to us at with your name, address, postal code, telephone number, word count and the title of your short story, date and method of payment so that we can trace your payment and attach your short story or stories as a Word pdf file. Please note that we cannot accept Word doc, docx, or rtf files.
If you prefer to to send us a hard copy, please see our postal entry page.
Please ensure you have read the competition details before you submit your story or stories, remembering not to include any personal details on your story so we can judge anonymously

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